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It becomes more difficult to copy a design of an original popular product.(News Letter No. 518)



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1. It becomes more difficult to copy a design of an original popular product.

- A related design availability period is extended (1 year ¡æ 3 years) to protect a unique design.
-Some changes to the Korean Design Protection Act will take effect from December 21, 2023.
The period to file an application for a related design is extended from 1 year to 3 years. Usually, popular products are released with slightly modified designs. Since the scope of a right is broad to include a follow-up design, the launch of an imitation product is expected to be reduced.
According to KIPO, some amendments to the Design Protection Act will take effect from December 21, 2023, to protect the right of a design right owner by relaxing requirements of priority claim of his/her design.

¡¼ Systems to be Amended ¡½
1. Related Design
Under this system, when a person files a similar design to his/her own prior design, it is not rejected on the ground of Article 33 and Article 46 (novelty violation and first to files system) and it can be registerable.

2. Exception to Lack of Novelty
A design published before an application is filed may be rejected as to its registration for the reason that it is not a new design (lack of novelty). However, under this system, one¡¯s own design which does not exceed 12 months after it was first published can be registerable.

3. Priority Claim
Based on a design application filed in ¡°A¡± country, when the same design application is filed in ¡°B¡± country within 6 months, it is regarded as being filed on the filing date of ¡°A¡± country.

(After the amendment): The period of filing a related design application is extended from one year to three years, thereby contributing to the building of a company¡¯s brand and image and strengthening the protection of a competitive design.
(Before the amendment): After launching a product, if the reaction from the market is good, a company steadily develops a follow-up product for sale with a partial modified design. However, previously, the period of filing the design of a follow-up product as a related design application was limited within one year from the filing date of the first design application. Therefore, innovative design companies had limits in expanding the scope of a design right and in continuously preventing an imitation or infringement.

If a design is not a newly created design, it cannot be registered due to a lack of novelty under the Design Protection Act. However, when a person files his/her own design which does not exceed 12 months after it was published, it can be registered by the exception to lack of novelty unless it has any other reason(s) for rejection.
(After the Amendment): The procedural articles to regulate the time and deadline for submitting documents for the exception to lack of novelty are deleted, thereby improving the system such that the exception of lack of novelty can be flexibly applied to an owner of a right.
(Before the Amendment): When a person could file his/her own design application within 12 months after the design was published (the period for the exception to lack of novelty), since the periods of submitting documents for the exception to lack of novelty were limited (i.e., at the time of filing an application, before whether a registration is decided, at the time of submitting a written answer to an objection or a trial on invalidation), there were restrictions that prevented the exception to lack of novelty in the disputes, such as a trial to confirm the scope of a right, etc.

When priority could not be claimed within the time limit (6 months from the filing date) due to a proper reason (for example, elapse of time due to circumstances that make work impossible, such as hospitalization due to chronic illness, or elapse of time due to system failure, etc.), the amended system improves the regulations by additionally giving a 2-month period and preparing additional procedures of priority claim, thereby promoting the right of and interests of the right holder.
Through these amendments, the extension of the period of filing a related design application protects a company¡¯s unique design, thereby contributing to company innovation and competitiveness reinforcement, the expansion of applying the exception to lack of novelty and the improvement of the procedure regulations of priority claim are expected to harmonize with the legal systems of major countries and strengthen the protection of a rightful owner.

2. KIPO and the Korean Trade Commission (KTC) concluded a business agreement¡¦ to rapidly relieve a company damaged by a technology leakage.

-The business agreement was concluded to protect a technology and to establish fair trade rules (November 17, 2023).
-KIPO¡¯s technical police and trademark police investigation and KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act are interconnected.

KIPO and KTC announced that they concluded a business agreement to protect technology and to establish fair trade rules.
As a part of promotion of national affairs, the business agreement was carried forward to rapidly relieve a company damaged and to build a fair technology protection system, by interconnecting the KIPO¡¯s technical police and trademark police investigation of a technology leakage and an offending company that infringes on an IP right (criminal punishment) and the KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act (administrative restriction, such as suspension of import and export of infringing goods).
KIPO and KTC decided to expand cooperation not only in ¡ã mutual connection of criminal punishment and administrative restriction but also in the areas that complement each other¡¯s capabilities and authorities, such as ¡ãlinkage between KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act and KIPO¡¯s dispute mediation system, ¡ã rapid process of a trial case related to the unfair trade act investigation case, and ¡ã KIPO¡¯s technical consultation support in the process of KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act case, etc.

When KIPO suspects an unfair trade act after investigating the cases of IP infringement and trade secret leakage, it informs KTC of the unfair trade act and KTC investigates the unfair trade act at the request of a damaged company and then imposes an administrative sanction, such as suspension of import and export thereof. When KTC needs KIPO¡¯s investigation in the case which has been investigated, KTC also notifies KIPO and then KIPO starts an investigation at the request of the damaged company.
In the past, even in the situation where KIPO¡¯s technical police and trademark police were investigating a case of IP infringement, such as trade secret, trademark piracy, etc., since the IP infringing goods were imported or exported, there was a possibility that secondary damage occurs to the damaged company. However, since the relevant investigation and the suspension of import and export can be handled at once through this cooperative agreement, it is possible to minimize damage to the already damaged company.

When KTC investigates an unfair trade act, a case suitable for resolution through mediation is connected to KIPO¡¯s industrial property dispute mediation committee, such that the dispute is able to be resolved through the mediation procedures.

3. South Korea ranked 1st in the world in the number of patent applications related to AI utilizing smart quality management.

-South Korea held 25.4% of the whole world applications¡¦big companies and small/medium companies, including Samsung Electronics being 2nd, evenly spread out.
-The number of the whole world patent applications relating to the AI quality management technology grew by 44 times over 10 years.

KIPO analyzed the whole world patent applications filed with the major patent offices (IP5: KIPO, USPTO, CNIPA, EPO and JPO) over the last 10 years (2011~2020). As a result, South Korea is ranked 1st in the world in the number of patent applications relating to smart quality management using AI video analysis.
The smart quality management is the technology of managing the quality of a product by rapidly and correctly judging the size, pattern, letter, shape, etc. of the object by applying the technology of AI to various test processes in the manufacturing industry.

The number of the whole world patent applications filed in the smart quality management technology field was only 6 in 2011 but it increased by an annual average of 52.3% to reach 264 (44 times) in 2020. Notably, the increase percentage in the number of the relevant applications over the last 5 years (2016~2020) was 63.4%, showing that the filing of the applications in this field accelerated. This is considered to be related to the AI technology which has been utilized in earnest since 2016.
By applicant nationality, South Korean was 1st with 25.4% (202 applications), followed by China 2nd with 18% (143), Japan 3rd with 17.5% (139) and US 4th with 17% (135).

As major applicants, KLA, a US company, was 1st (4.03%. 32 applications), followed by Samsung Electronics 2nd (3.14%, 25), Siemens, a German company, 3rd (2.39%, 19), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 4th (2.26%, 18), and ASML, a Netherland company, 5th (1.76%, 14).
As Korean applicants, LG Electronics was 10th (1.26%, 10), Koh Young Technology 15th (0.88%, 7), LaonPeople and Hyundai Motors 17th (each 0.75%, 6). As the Korean applicants, the companies in various fields spread out from big companies to small and medium companies and from the manufacturing field to solution field, showing the appearance of a strong nation in the smart quality management technology.

Since the most (82.3%) of the whole world patent applications relating to the smart quality management technology were filed by companies, companies were considered to take the lead in the technological development in this field. In South Korea, the percentage of companies was relatively low (66.8%); whereas, the public field (13.4%), individuals (10.4%) and universities (9.4%) tended to be high.

Upon reviewing the relevant applicants by technical classification (international patent classification, IPC, which is an internationally unified patent classification system to indicate the technical field of an invention), the most applications were related to image data process technology (IPC:G06T) (29.9%). China and Japan have developed focusing on the technology in this field. Germany has specially focused on research and development in the control system field (IPC: G05B). South Korea is considered as researching and developing throughout technological fields.
Mr. Hyun-soo PARK, a head of KIPO¡¯s smart manufacturing examination team, said, ¡°small or medium companies or middle market companies need to utilize the patent technologies having competitiveness which were developed by universities or government-funded research institutes¡±. He also added, ¡°KIPO will continue to provide the relevant analysis data so that start-ups are able to challenge the core technology development in the smart quality management technology field.¡±

4. IP education cooperation expands among the training institutions of South Korea, Japan and China.

-KIPO attended a meeting of the heads of the Korea, Japan and China IP training institutions and a meeting of the heads of the Korea and Chinese IP training institutions (November 14~15, 2023).
-A business agreement (memorandum of agreement, MOU) was concluded to strengthen cooperation in the IP education field among Korea, Japan and China and to deepen cooperation between Korea and China.

KIPO¡¯s International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI) attended the meeting of the heads of the Korea, Japan and China IP training institutions and the meeting of the heads of the Korea and Chinese IP training institutions, which were held face-to-face for the first time in 4 years on November 14 and 15, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan, to discuss the current issues and cooperative plan in the IP education field among the three nations.
In the meeting of the heads of the Korea, Japan and China IP training institutions, which was held on November 15, 2023, the heads in charge of IP education in the three countries shared the IP education current situations and experiences among the three countries and discussed a plan to develop educational cooperation.
In the meeting, the three countries holding 85% of the whole world IP applications agreed with necessity of cooperation in the IP education field and discussed various current issues, such as ¡ã sharing of the latest IP education policy, ¡ã activation of examiner exchange among the three countries, ¡ã expansion of education for companies advancing into one another, and ¡ã sharing of the basis to utilize the online education content, etc.
In the meeting of the heads of the Korea and China IP training institutions, which was held on November 14, 2023, both institutions concluded the MOU including the content: to strengthen cooperation in the IP education and training fields to maintain close cooperative relationships with each other, to strengthen reciprocal education cooperation for the companies advancing into each other, and to activate human exchange, etc.
The head of IIPTI under KIPO said, ¡°it has a meaningful time to again solidify the IP cooperatative relationships among the three countries and to continue the partnerships¡¦We will strengthen cooperation for the Northeast Asia and world IP development and we will also continue to expand IP education cooperation to lay the foundation such that Korean companies can be active overseas.¡±

5. KIPO and the Korea Customs Service (KCS) join forces to strengthen the K-brand protection.

-A presentation to protect a K-brand intellectual property right was held (November 23, 2023).
-KIPO introduced a program to support an overseas IP protection and the relevant best response examples.

KIPO and KCS held the presentation to protect K-brand IP rights.
As the value of a Korean company brand has been improved, with the recent Korean wave craze, the number of cases of infringing K-brand IP rights overseas has been continuously increasing. In this regard, the presentation was arranged to protect Korean export and import companies and Korea companies which will enter overseas.

2. KIPO and the Korean Trade Commission (KTC) concluded a business agreement¡¦ to rapidly relieve a company damaged by a technology leakage.

- The business agreement was concluded to protect a technology and to establish fair trade rules (November 17, 2023).
- KIPO¡¯s technical police and trademark police investigation and KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act are interconnected.

KIPO and KTC announced that they concluded a business agreement to protect technology and to establish fair trade rules.
As a part of promotion of national affairs, the business agreement was carried forward to rapidly relieve a company damaged and to build a fair technology protection system, by interconnecting the KIPO¡¯s technical police and trademark police investigation of a technology leakage and an offending company that infringes on an IP right (criminal punishment) and the KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act (administrative restriction, such as suspension of import and export of infringing goods).
KIPO and KTC decided to expand cooperation not only in ¡ã mutual connection of criminal punishment and administrative restriction but also in the areas that complement each other¡¯s capabilities and authorities, such as ¡ãlinkage between KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act and KIPO¡¯s dispute mediation system, ¡ã rapid process of a trial case related to the unfair trade act investigation case, and ¡ã KIPO¡¯s technical consultation support in the process of KTC¡¯s investigation of an unfair trade act case, etc.

When KIPO suspects an unfair trade act after investigating the cases of IP infringement and trade secret leakage, it informs KTC of the unfair trade act and KTC investigates the unfair trade act at the request of a damaged company and then imposes an administrative sanction, such as suspension of import and export thereof. When KTC needs KIPO¡¯s investigation in the case which has been investigated, KTC also notifies KIPO and then KIPO starts an investigation at the request of the damaged company.
In the past, even in the situation where KIPO¡¯s technical police and trademark police were investigating a case of IP infringement, such as trade secret, trademark piracy, etc., since the IP infringing goods were imported or exported, there was a possibility that secondary damage occurs to the damaged company. However, since the relevant investigation and the suspension of import and export can be handled at once through this cooperative agreement, it is possible to minimize damage to the already damaged company.

When KTC investigates an unfair trade act, a case suitable for resolution through mediation is connected to KIPO¡¯s industrial property dispute mediation committee, such that the dispute is able to be resolved through the mediation procedures.

3. South Korea ranked 1st in the world in the number of patent applications related to AI utilizing smart quality management.

- South Korea held 25.4% of the whole world applications¡¦big companies and small/medium companies, including Samsung Electronics being 2nd, evenly spread out.
- The number of the whole world patent applications relating to the AI quality management technology grew by 44 times over 10 years.

KIPO analyzed the whole world patent applications filed with the major patent offices (IP5: KIPO, USPTO, CNIPA, EPO and JPO) over the last 10 years (2011~2020). As a result, South Korea is ranked 1st in the world in the number of patent applications relating to smart quality management using AI video analysis.
The smart quality management is the technology of managing the quality of a product by rapidly and correctly judging the size, pattern, letter, shape, etc. of the object by applying the technology of AI to various test processes in the manufacturing industry.

The number of the whole world patent applications filed in the smart quality management technology field was only 6 in 2011 but it increased by an annual average of 52.3% to reach 264 (44 times) in 2020. Notably, the increase percentage in the number of the relevant applications over the last 5 years (2016~2020) was 63.4%, showing that the filing of the applications in this field accelerated. This is considered to be related to the AI technology which has been utilized in earnest since 2016.
By applicant nationality, South Korean was 1st with 25.4% (202 applications), followed by China 2nd with 18% (143), Japan 3rd with 17.5% (139) and US 4th with 17% (135).

As major applicants, KLA, a US company, was 1st (4.03%. 32 applications), followed by Samsung Electronics 2nd (3.14%, 25), Siemens, a German company, 3rd (2.39%, 19), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 4th (2.26%, 18), and ASML, a Netherland company, 5th (1.76%, 14).
As Korean applicants, LG Electronics was 10th (1.26%, 10), Koh Young Technology 15th (0.88%, 7), LaonPeople and Hyundai Motors 17th (each 0.75%, 6). As the Korean applicants, the companies in various fields spread out from big companies to small and medium companies and from the manufacturing field to solution field, showing the appearance of a strong nation in the smart quality management technology.

Since the most (82.3%) of the whole world patent applications relating to the smart quality management technology were filed by companies, companies were considered to take the lead in the technological development in this field. In South Korea, the percentage of companies was relatively low (66.8%); whereas, the public field (13.4%), individuals (10.4%) and universities (9.4%) tended to be high.

Upon reviewing the relevant applicants by technical classification (international patent classification, IPC, which is an internationally unified patent classification system to indicate the technical field of an invention), the most applications were related to image data process technology (IPC:G06T) (29.9%). China and Japan have developed focusing on the technology in this field. Germany has specially focused on research and development in the control system field (IPC: G05B). South Korea is considered as researching and developing throughout technological fields.
Mr. Hyun-soo PARK, a head of KIPO¡¯s smart manufacturing examination team, said, ¡°small or medium companies or middle market companies need to utilize the patent technologies having competitiveness which were developed by universities or government-funded research institutes¡±. He also added, ¡°KIPO will continue to provide the relevant analysis data so that start-ups are able to challenge the core technology development in the smart quality management technology field.¡±

4. IP education cooperation expands among the training institutions of South Korea, Japan and China.

- KIPO attended a meeting of the heads of the Korea, Japan and China IP training institutions and a meeting of the heads of the Korea and Chinese IP training institutions (November 14~15, 2023).
- A business agreement (memorandum of agreement, MOU) was concluded to strengthen cooperation in the IP education field among Korea, Japan and China and to deepen cooperation between Korea and China.

KIPO¡¯s International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI) attended the meeting of the heads of the Korea, Japan and China IP training institutions and the meeting of the heads of the Korea and Chinese IP training institutions, which were held face-to-face for the first time in 4 years on November 14 and 15, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan, to discuss the current issues and cooperative plan in the IP education field among the three nations.
In the meeting of the heads of the Korea, Japan and China IP training institutions, which was held on November 15, 2023, the heads in charge of IP education in the three countries shared the IP education current situations and experiences among the three countries and discussed a plan to develop educational cooperation.
In the meeting, the three countries holding 85% of the whole world IP applications agreed with necessity of cooperation in the IP education field and discussed various current issues, such as ¡ã sharing of the latest IP education policy, ¡ã activation of examiner exchange among the three countries, ¡ã expansion of education for companies advancing into one another, and ¡ã sharing of the basis to utilize the online education content, etc.
In the meeting of the heads of the Korea and China IP training institutions, which was held on November 14, 2023, both institutions concluded the MOU including the content: to strengthen cooperation in the IP education and training fields to maintain close cooperative relationships with each other, to strengthen reciprocal education cooperation for the companies advancing into each other, and to activate human exchange, etc.
The head of IIPTI under KIPO said, ¡°it has a meaningful time to again solidify the IP cooperatative relationships among the three countries and to continue the partnerships¡¦We will strengthen cooperation for the Northeast Asia and world IP development and we will also continue to expand IP education cooperation to lay the foundation such that Korean companies can be active overseas.¡±

5. KIPO and the Korea Customs Service (KCS) join forces to strengthen the K-brand protection.

-A presentation to protect a K-brand intellectual property right was held (November 23, 2023).
-KIPO introduced a program to support an overseas IP protection and the relevant best response examples.

KIPO and KCS held the presentation to protect K-brand IP rights.
As the value of a Korean company brand has been improved, with the recent Korean wave craze, the number of cases of infringing K-brand IP rights overseas has been continuously increasing. In this regard, the presentation was arranged to protect Korean export and import companies and Korea companies which will enter overseas.

♦ Date/Place: November 23, 2023 (Thursday) 14:00~16:00/ Auditorium, 10th floor, Seoul Customs

♦ Hosted/Sponsor: KIPO and Korea Customs Service (KCS)/Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KIPPA) and Trade related Intellectual Property Rights Protection Association (TIPA)

♦ Attendance: export and import companies, companies which will enter abroad, related organizations, etc.

♦ Main content:
(KIPO and KIPPA) to introduce a program to support overseas IP protection and best response examples,
(KCS and TIPA) to explain IP protection procedures and methods at domestic and international customs clearance steps,
(Owner of an IP right) to share a K-brand company¡¯s case responding to overseas IP infringement

KIPO introduced various programs to support overseas IP protection, such as consulting to prevent an IP dispute overseas and to respond to the dispute and monitoring to block overseas online and offline counterfeit products.
Among the overseas IP dispute response cases which were supported by KIPO, a representative example achieving excellent results was also introduced, where a council consisting of 3 or more Korean companies jointly responded to an overseas IP dispute.
KCS introduced the procedures and methods on how to request an overseas customs office so that the overseas customs can crack down on infringing goods in foreign import and export customs clearance process, and the IP customs declaration system of KCS.
With this presentation, KIPO expects that crackdown on the K-brand counterfeit products will be activated overseas, to prevent damage to Korean companies due to the IP infringement and to strengthen export competitiveness.
KIPO will continuously promote the program to support overseas IP protection, to encourage participation of Korean companies, to prevent many different IP protection issues that Korean companies experienced in the overseas expansion process, and to expand the support for Korean companies to rapidly respond.


Korean IP News No. 87 in Chines


Korean IP News No. 86 in Chines
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