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Before Chuseok, the ¡®Saebit Market Counterfeit Product Investigation Council¡¯ conducted a 4th joint crackdown, confiscating about 1,500 counterfeit items.(News Letter No. 538)



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1. Before Chuseok, the ¡®Saebit Market Counterfeit Product Investigation Council¡¯ conducted a 4th joint crackdown, confiscating about 1,500 counterfeit items.

- The four agencies including KIPO, Seoul City, etc. conducted a relay crackdown for 4 days (September 3~6, 2024).
- Three people were arrested without detention on charges of violating the Korea Trademark Act and 1,534 counterfeit items of famous trademark products were confiscated.

A ¡®Saebit Market Counterfeit Product Investigation Council¡¯ (hereinafter, referred to as ¡®investigation council¡¯) was formed of KIPO, Seoul City, Seoul Jung-gu Office, Seoul Jungbu Police Station (February 2024). Before Chuseok, the investigation council conducted a joint crackdown in ¡®Saebit Market¡¯ in Dongdamoon, Seoul (September 3~6, 2024), confiscating 1,534 counterfeit items of famous trademark (brand) products and arresting three people including ¡°A¡± (male, age: 35) who sold counterfeit products, without detention on charges of violating the Korean Trademark Act.

This is the fourth joint crackdown this year alone. To eradicate the sale of counterfeit products in Saebit Market, the investigation council conducted a relay crackdown by agency, confiscating more than the total amount confiscated through 1st through 3rd joint crackdowns.

This 4th joint crackdown was conducted as an efficient on-site crackdown by designating a crackdown period by agency.

The four-day relay crackdown was conducted by changing the crackdown date by agency, starting with Seoul Jung-gu Office (Sep. 3 and 5, 2024), Seoul City (Sep. 4) and KIPO and Seoul Jungbu Police Station (Sep. 6).
Expecting sales of counterfeit products to increase further before the light festival event (Seoul Light DDP 2024 Fall, August 29~September 8, 2024) held in Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) and the Chuseok holiday, the investigation council conducted the relay crackdown by agency.

< The Saebit Market Counterfeit Product Investigation Council conducted four joint crackdowns in 2024,
to eradicate the distribution of counter products.>
From March 2024, the investigation council had confiscated a total of 1,173 counterfeit products including clothes, bags, etc. through three crackdowns on Dongdaemoon Saebit Market. As the confiscated goods through this 4th crackdown were much more than the total of confiscated goods through the first three crackdown, it turned out to be advantageous to vary the crackdown method according to sales trends.
As crackdowns have continued, the yellow tent merchants minimized display of counterfeit products on street stalls to avoid crackdowns. After showing the picture of counterfeit products by smart phone, etc., they sold the counterfeit products by deliver them from cars behind the tents.

2. In commemoration of the 10th anniversary that Korea signed the Hague Agreement , a Korea-Japan-China Design Forum was successfully held.

- The forum introduced the status that three countries, Korea, Japan and China, have used the Hague system and protected interior/architectural designs.
- According to Mr. Daren Tang, director general of WIPO, Korea is a 3rd place in ranking the number of international design applications and this is the result of strategic vision and efforts.

According to KIPO, the 13th Korea-Japan-China design forum was successfully held to commemorate the 10th anniversary that Korea signed the Hague Agreement.

Following the opening address by Mr. Sihyeong KIM, vice commissioner of KIPO, and a video congratulatory message from Mr. Daren Tang, director general of WIPO, the KIPO, JPO and CNIPA officials and the important people in the interior/architectural design field had in-depth discussions on design protection.

KIPO, JPO and CNIPA officials introduced the amendments in their latest design protection systems and the state of using the Hague (international design application) system. Through these, the participants were provided with useful information to establish efficient design protection strategies in Japan and China.
All of the IP and interior design experts representing the three countries, Korea, Japan and China, emphasized that it would be essential to strategically protect design intellectual property rights for sustainable growth of the deign industry.

In the video congratulatory message, Mr. Daren Tang congratulated the 10th anniversary of South Korea Korea¡¯s joining the Hague Agreement. He also said that South Korea¡¯s 3rd place record in ranking the total number of international design applications through the Hague system is the result of strategic vison and efforts made by KIPO for development and innovation in the design right area. He also added that the three countries, South Korea, Japan and China, to lead the world IP field would be expected to contribute to the international design protection and development beyond the Asian region, through the cooperation like this public forum.

3. Private and government agencies as one team achieve high quality patent examination.
- A patent examination quality advisory committee with industry, academia and research experts was held (August 30, 2024)
- Securing a patent in the high-tech industry, such as bio, advanced robot, etc., is supported by reflecting the opinions of private sectors

KIPO held the 2024 patent examination quality advisory committee with IP experts, to support securing competitiveness in the high-tech industry by rapid and accurate patent examination.

The committee was held to provide a consumer-centered active administration service by listening to the opinions from experts and reflecting various options to a patent examination policy. To this end, 18 people including industry, academia and research experts and patent attorneys were appointed as civilian members to take advice in improving patent examination quality and establishing patent examination policy.
The meeting was arranged to introduce the major policies which have been promoted by KIPO, such as ¡ã how to rapidly process patent examination, ¡ã how to strengthen management of long-term unprocessed cases, ¡ã how to relax requirements to recovery a patent right, and to listen to opinions thereon from experts.

The meeting was also held to discuss future plans and policy directions to support Korean companies to secure the global initiative in the high-tech industry fields, such as bio, advanced robot, etc. and to increase examination personnel to prevent the movement of excellent private manpower, etc. to overseas competitors.
The head of the Patent Examination Policy Bureau of KIPO said, ¡°for Korean companies to preoccupy the global market and to secure a super gap in the competition era for rapidly changing supremacy, it is necessary to promptly acquire rights of core technologies through high quality examination¡¦ and KIPO will strengthen on-site communications in the process of establishing patent examination policies.¡±

4. A patent electronic application system increases user convenience.

KIPO held a ¡®patent attorney meeting for electronic application policy advice¡¯ for the electronic application system users, such as patent attorneys, etc., who use the system when filing electronic applications for IP, to improve the inconveniences of the system.

The electronic application system is the online-based patent document writing system which was for the first time opened in 1999. A client can online make all documents to be submitted, from filing an application to IP administration, such as examination, registration and trial, etc.

KIPO has continue to improve services by building the website, ¡®to patent¡¯, (www.patent.go.kr) in 2006, upgrading document writing software in 2014 and opening a mobile service for the first time in the world in 2020. However, as the number and amount of patent documents have increased and the procedures for filing applications have become more complex, the need to integrate and improve the relevant software is also increasing to suit the users¡¯ level.

Through this meeting, KIPO collected opinions related to the electronic application system in general, such as the inconveniences that the users, including patent attorneys and practitioners of patent law firms, have experienced while using the system. They also proceeded with various discussions to build an emergency application filing system which is available even in the case of ePCT system failure, to guide an electronic application support education program, etc. for applicants, agents, etc. and to establish future electronic application system operation policies.

5. Trademark expert meetings of three countries, Korea, Japan and China and two countries were held.

- The meetings were prepared to share the latest trends of each country¡¯s trademark system and the amendment status of each country¡¯s trademark act, etc.
- A user symposium was also held for individual and company applicants and agencies, etc.

Together with JPO and CNIPA, KIPO held a ¡®Korea-Japan-China trademark expert meeting¡¯ and a ¡®user symposium¡¯ while trademark experts of these countries attended.

The meeting of Korea-Japan-China trademark experts, where working-level experts gathered together to discuss their own countries¡¯ trademark systems and the relevant issues, have been held annually on a rotating basis by country since 2019.

In this meeting, the experts shared information on the status of the three countries¡¯ trademark applications, registrations and examination processes and the status of their amended trademark law matters and operations and exchanged their opinions thereon.
After the meeting, the user symposium was also held for individual and company applicants and patent agents, etc. The officials of KIPO, JPO and CNIPA presented the status of their examination processes and amended examination standards, etc., and a Q&A session was also held with participants.

In this symposium, the system to protect internationally famous trademarks, which had been concerned as a matter of international interest in the trademark field, was discussed and the litigation and trial cases thereof, etc. were shared.

The bilateral meetings for Korea-Japan and Korea-China were held on August 29. The matters discussed in the meetings were: the introduction of AI system in the trademark examination, the status of use of the trademark coexistence agreement system operated in Korea and Japan from this year and the detailed guidelines thereof, and the trademark issues that have been raised in their respective countries.


Korean IP News No. 107 in Chines


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